The Silent Waters edition by Brittainy Cherry Literature Fiction eBooks

The Silent Waters edition by Brittainy Cherry Literature Fiction eBooks
I first discovered Brittainy Cherry when I read and loved The Air He Breathes. That book moved me so much and I cried like a baby so I was looking forward to her newest release, The Silent Waters. I didn't necessarily cry while reading this one but it pulled at my heartstrings and I ended up reading over half of the book today because I was so immersed in the story and had to know what was going to happen next."'The world keeps spinning because your heartbeats exist.'"
The Silent Waters starts with six-year-old Maggie May Riley as she and her father are driving to their new home and her father's fiance, Katie. It is here that Maggie meets Brooks Tyler, one of her new brothers' friends. When she is ten years old, she starts planning their wedding and doesn't know how to take no for an answer. The banter back and forth between them is pretty humorous and I giggled, remembering myself at that age. The scene of their "wedding ceremony" is where the events take place that forever change their lives.
"'Not all broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes they just need to be loved. It would be a shame if only people who were whole were deserving of love.'"
After finishing this book, my first thought was WOW! Brittainy Cherry is an expert at writing emotional stories that are also humorous at times and include characters who love each other so much you can feel it through the words. After reading what Maggie witnesses in the woods that day, I couldn't help but feel for her. Anyone who has ever experienced trauma of any kind knows that the mind is very powerful and Maggie becomes a prisoner of her own mind, unable to speak about what she witnessed. As is true with most everything, love is the key to freeing Maggie from the demons of her past and allowing her to live a normal life.
The Silent Waters is an amazing book and I encourage anyone interested to check it out. It's classified as New Adult and College as well as Romance and I'd agree with those genres because, while some of the book takes place when Maggie and Brooks are young, they are in their twenties during the majority of the book. I liked how the chapters alternate between Maggie and Brooks so we can get inside both of their heads and watch them mature, develop and love. If you decide to read this book, I recommend reading the "Note from the Author" at the end because it explains where Brittainy Cherry got her inspiration for the book and that moved me as well. I definitely recommend The Silent Waters and am looking forward to reading more books by Brittainy Cherry!

Tags : The Silent Waters - Kindle edition by Brittainy Cherry. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Silent Waters.,ebook,Brittainy Cherry,The Silent Waters,BCherry Books Publishing,FICTION Coming of Age,FICTION Romance Contemporary
The Silent Waters edition by Brittainy Cherry Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I never learn. After having gone through several tissues while reading the first two books (back to back, I might add) in the Elements series—The Air He Breathes and The Fire Between High & Lo—I should have known I was in for another round of tear-swiping, nose-sniffling, and heart-squeezing moments with the third book. Like its predecessors, The Silent Waters can be read as a standalone, having no ties to the stories or characters before it other than the four elements theme. So, feel free to read the books out of their order or publication, but I do hope you'll read each of the three currently available titles. The time you put into them will be more than worth it because Brittainy C. Cherry has proven herself to be one hell of a gifted storyteller. This is only my third read from her and I'm already immensely impressed with what I've read so far. The Elements series is an evocative collection of stories, and as this third book has proven yet again, the author is a master in taking your heart, tearing it apart, and piecing it all back together again.
The Silent Waters is the love story of Maggie May Riley and Brooks Tyler Griffin, who meet as six-year-olds. Maggie is Brooks's best friend's new stepsister and while she is more than welcomed into her new home and family, it's Brooks's gesture of kindness that ties them and keeps them tethered, whether as children who can't quite stand each other but later share their first kiss or teenagers discovering first love together and their first true heartbreak. They remain bound to one another even after a horrific event renders Maggie literally speechless, unable to give voice to what happened in the woods, and even after Maggie pushes Brooks towards his dream of making it big along with his best friends that make up their band. She has stayed behind, moored by the trauma that continues to dictate her life, while he has floated from one place to another, sharing his music with the world. As their lives change, one thing has always stayed the same—their love—but will that be enough for Maggie and Brooks to weather storms and keep them anchored to each other, or will they end up drifting further away and drowning in deafening silence?
Maggie and Brooks's story could have gone in a myriad of different ways, and yet the author weaved together a tale that was all their own. I honestly can't recall if I've ever read anything that followed in the exact same vein. Maybe a part or two, but not in its entirety. The main characters had a connection from the time they were six and even when things got difficult and they ventured away, they stayed connected. Brooks's love for and devotion to Maggie may seem fantastical to some, but there's an honesty and purity to it that's become a rarity in the romance novels I've read over the past few years, with eroticism and overt sexuality being at the forefront. Don't get me wrong. This book does contain sex, but even at their most passionate, these two share an intimacy that made them and their story feel even more worthy of my emotional investment. There are the anticipated complexities that make this such an engrossing read, with a twist I didn't see coming until it was nearly right there in front of me and with challenges thrown Maggie's and Brooks's ways but always, always, meeting them together. The Silent Waters shows that life may lead us in different directions, but true love, when we let it, will always lead us home. Five-plus stars. ♥
I first discovered Brittainy Cherry when I read and loved The Air He Breathes. That book moved me so much and I cried like a baby so I was looking forward to her newest release, The Silent Waters. I didn't necessarily cry while reading this one but it pulled at my heartstrings and I ended up reading over half of the book today because I was so immersed in the story and had to know what was going to happen next.
"'The world keeps spinning because your heartbeats exist.'"
The Silent Waters starts with six-year-old Maggie May Riley as she and her father are driving to their new home and her father's fiance, Katie. It is here that Maggie meets Brooks Tyler, one of her new brothers' friends. When she is ten years old, she starts planning their wedding and doesn't know how to take no for an answer. The banter back and forth between them is pretty humorous and I giggled, remembering myself at that age. The scene of their "wedding ceremony" is where the events take place that forever change their lives.
"'Not all broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes they just need to be loved. It would be a shame if only people who were whole were deserving of love.'"
After finishing this book, my first thought was WOW! Brittainy Cherry is an expert at writing emotional stories that are also humorous at times and include characters who love each other so much you can feel it through the words. After reading what Maggie witnesses in the woods that day, I couldn't help but feel for her. Anyone who has ever experienced trauma of any kind knows that the mind is very powerful and Maggie becomes a prisoner of her own mind, unable to speak about what she witnessed. As is true with most everything, love is the key to freeing Maggie from the demons of her past and allowing her to live a normal life.
The Silent Waters is an amazing book and I encourage anyone interested to check it out. It's classified as New Adult and College as well as Romance and I'd agree with those genres because, while some of the book takes place when Maggie and Brooks are young, they are in their twenties during the majority of the book. I liked how the chapters alternate between Maggie and Brooks so we can get inside both of their heads and watch them mature, develop and love. If you decide to read this book, I recommend reading the "Note from the Author" at the end because it explains where Brittainy Cherry got her inspiration for the book and that moved me as well. I definitely recommend The Silent Waters and am looking forward to reading more books by Brittainy Cherry!

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